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My partner and I were given a brief to help Brita convince college students to kick plastic water bottles off-campus. We came back with the simple idea that the sale of plastic in-directly harms the animals colleges care the most about. Their mascots.

These run all across social (waiting on official numbers) with a link to a web hub where students can sign petitions to kick plastic off their campuses, create their own anti-plastic proposals, and amplify these videos across their own social platforms.

Current numbers:

Over 100,000 earned views on Reddit

Over 50,000 proposal downloads from web hub

Over 35,000 emails collected

Over 750k views of our gifs/stickers

Increased Brita site traffic by 900% in 48 hours

Birta bottles and pitchers are SELLING OUT at key retailers like Target

Favorite cut that didn’t quite make the cut.